本系推展「健康」意涵之教育理念,並整合「人、環境、健康、護理」的概念,期望培育出健康的護理專業人才,再以健康的護理人提供健康照護服務。 辦學目標以「培育具健康實踐能力的優秀護理人才」為宗旨,經由全系教師在共識營及系務會議中,針對教育宗旨與理念進行多次深入討論,並廣泛吸納業界代表及畢業生的寶貴意見。該目標緊密配合全校及學院的發展願景,並依據社會變遷與需求,不斷調整與完善。教育目標融合了護理專業技能、專業人文素養及自我成長的核心素質,確保學生具備應對未來健康照護挑戰的綜合能力。
1.具有護理科學專業知識與技能 Possess professional knowledge and skills in nursing science
2. 尊重生命與倫理 Respect for life and ethics
3. 具有身心健康與成熟人格特質,展現團隊合作態度 Possess physical and mental health, mature personality traits, and exhibit a cooperative attitude in teamwork
4. 具有批判思維與解決問題之能力 Possess critical thinking and problem-solving abilities
5.具有專業認同與承諾 Possess professional identity and commitment
6. 具備終身學習能力 Possess lifelong learning abilities
1.具有進階護理科學專業知識與技能 Possess professional knowledge and skills in advanced nursing science
2. 具備人文與專業倫理之素養 Possess humanistic qualities and professional ethics
3. 具有專業自主性與獨立判斷能力 Possess professional autonomy and independent judgment ability
4. 具有科學研究能力與護理專業宏觀視野 Possessing scientific research capabilities and a professional, macro-level perspective on nursing.
5. 具有健康照護之領導與管理能力 Possess leadership and management abilities in health care
6. 具有終身學習與拓展新知之能力 Possess lifelong learning abilities and the capacity to expand new knowledge
1. 具有進階長期照護專業知識與技能 Possess professional knowledge and skills in advanced long-term care
4. 具有科學研究能力與長期照護專業宏觀視野 "Possessing scientific research capabilities and a professional, macro-level perspective on long-term care."